[root@DRBL free]# /opt/drbl/setup/drblpush -i Language ? [0]: English (default) [1]: Chinese Traditional (Big5) - Taiwan [2]: Chinese Traditional (UTF-8, Unicode) - Taiwan 1 ------------------------------------------------------ 這是一個交談模式,在設定DRBL環境的過程中,您必須提供相關資料 ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ 網域名稱(DOMAIN)未設定,請輸入網域名稱(DOMAIN): [drbl.sf.net] 您設定的網域名稱(DOMAIN)是 drbl.sf.net ------------------------------------------------------ 請輸入用戶端電腦名稱的前置字元: [DRBL] 您設定的用戶端電腦名稱的前置字元是 DRBL ------------------------------------------------------ Found eth0 IP ( in your system, 但是他不是私有IP,未設定好,或是現在沒有啟用!!! 我們將略去 eth0! Found private IP "" in eth1 on your system! 在你的系統上找到已經設定好的乙太網路有: eth1 ------------------------------------------------------ eth0只有設定一IP位址,因此DRBL環境將不會使用eth0來連接用戶端的電腦! DRBL環境使用乙太網路連接埠是: eth1 ****************************************************** ****************************************************** 現在我們可以收集用戶端電腦網卡卡號(MAC Adrees)! 這步驟可以讓您的DRBL環境為用戶端電腦配置固定IP, 如果您沒有用戶端網卡卡號的紀錄檔時,你現在就應該做! 用戶端電腦的網卡卡號(MAC Adrees)將會依照您用戶端電腦開機的順序依序被紀錄下來. 請先將用戶端的電腦設定為由網路開機(etherboot或是PXE), 並依照您想要排列的順序開機! 你是否要收集用戶端的網卡卡號("yes"或是"y" 開始收集, 其他字母略去此步驟)? [y/N] y ****************************************************** 開始進行...! 你不是系統管理者, 請輸入 管理者的密碼 to collect those MAC addresses... request_eth_port:eth1 Stop dhcpd ... Shutting down dhcpd: [ OK ] Stop xinetd ... Stopping xinetd: [ OK ] deleting old macadr-eth*.txt file... Start detecting MAC address.... Enter '1' or press 'Enter' to view the collecting status. Enter '2' or 'q' to finish collecting and quit. 1 ======================================= 0:D:60:A4:FD:B9 Total: 1 ======================================= Enter '1' or press 'Enter' to view the collecting status. Enter '2' or 'q' to finish collecting and quit. 2 The services dhcpd and xinetd are stopped, remember to restart them when you need them! ****************************************************** 繼續... ****************************************************** 你是否要配置固定IP給用戶端電腦,連接到DRBL伺服器網路連接埠 eth1 ? [y/N] ****************************************************** 這個網域的用戶端電腦中,起始的IP 4組數字中,最後一組數字的起始值是(也就是IP a.b.c.d的d的起始值) ? 這是針對連接到DRBL伺服器網路連接埠 eth1. [1] ****************************************************** 繼續...用戶端電腦會採用非固定IP! 有多少台DRBL用戶端的電腦(也就是給學生使用的電腦)連接到 eth1 ? 請輸入數字: [3] 24 ****************************************************** 你設定的值為 "24". 我們將設定這些用戶端電腦的IP為,連接到 eth1 為: - 你是否要繼續? 回答 "n" 或是 "N" 來重新輸入,或是其他字母接受這個設定並繼續執行! [Y/n] ****************************************************** 繼續... ****************************************************** 你的DRBL環境配置: ****************************************************** NIC NIC IP Clients +-----------------------------+ | DRBL SERVER | | | | +-- [eth0] +- to WAN | | | +-- [eth1] +- to clients group 1 [ 24 clients, their IP | | from -] +-----------------------------+ ****************************************************** Total clients: 24 ------------------------------------------------------ 如果你的用戶端的電腦有硬碟你是否要在上面產生一個置換檔來做虛擬記憶體, 以便用戶端的電腦可以使用需要更多記憶體的程式? (這個步驟不會毀損硬碟中原來的資料) ("yes"或是"y"執行此步驟,或是其他字母略去此步驟!) [Y/n] n ------------------------------------------------------ 用戶端開機後要進入何種模式? (G/t) "g"或是"G" 為圖形模式(預設), "t"或是"T" 為文字模式. [G/t] 用戶端開機後為圖形模式. ****************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------ 用戶端開機後圖形模式您可以選擇登入的種類: (0)一般登入, (1)自動登入, (2)限時登入 [0] 用戶端電腦開機後,使用者必須輸入帳號與密碼才能使用 ****************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------ 你是否要保留以前DRBL用戶端電腦的設定? [Y/n] n 如果原來DRBL用戶端電腦的設定存在的話,將會被清除. ****************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------ 基於安全考量, 你是否要為用戶端電腦設定管理者密碼(預設為複製DRBL伺服器的管理者密碼給用戶端電腦管理者使用)? [y/N] 繼續... ****************************************************** The RPCNFSDCOUNT in /etc/sysconfig/nfs is set as 36 (1.5*Total_Client_No). ------------------------------------------------------ 利用別名介面的方式,每台用戶端電腦可以擁有2個IP, 其中一個是私有IP,用來連接到DRBL伺服器,另一個公開IP是用來直接透過交換器連接到外部網路使用! 你是否要設定每台用戶端電腦的公開IP? ("yes"或是"y" 執行此步驟, 或是其他字母來略去此步驟!) [y/N] ****************************************************** 正在搜尋DRBL伺服器中已經安裝的相關程式...這個可能需要幾分鐘... 完成尋找DRBL伺服器所需的相關程式. ****************************************************** ****************************************************** 現在準備部署這些檔案到系統中! 你要執行嗎? ("no"或是"n" 結束此程式, 其他字母執行此步驟!) 警告!如果你繼續執行,你的防火牆規則將會被改掉! 原來的規則將會被備份為/etc/sysconfig/iptables.drblsave. [Y/n] ****************************************************** 開始進行...! 你不是系統管理者, 請輸入 管理者的密碼 來部署他們... ****************************************************** Mandrake Linux release 9.2 (FiveStar) for i586 ****************************************************** The version number for your Linux: MDK9.2 Completely cleaning old common root files if they exist... done ! Completely cleaning old nodes if they exist... done ! Creating common root files... This might take several minutes..........The DRBL client will use kernel 2.4.22-28drbl....Cleaning the ssh key file ssh_host_dsa_key copied from server...done! Cleaning the ssh key file ssh_host_dsa_key.pub copied from server...done! Cleaning the ssh key file ssh_host_key copied from server...done! Cleaning the ssh key file ssh_host_key.pub copied from server...done! Cleaning the ssh key file ssh_host_rsa_key copied from server...done! Cleaning the ssh key file ssh_host_rsa_key.pub copied from server...done! ..error reading information on service hpoj: No such file or directory Deleting the accounts (except root) in the DRBL common root template...userdel: error removing shadow group entry done! Creating some necessary files in the DRBL common root template.....done! Creating DRBL client: DRBL-1-00 The display manager we selected for your DRBL client is "mdkkdm"... Setting node as normal_login...done! done !!! Creating DRBL client: DRBL-1-001 The display manager we selected for your DRBL client is "mdkkdm"... Setting node as normal_login...done! done !!! Creating DRBL client: DRBL-1-002 The display manager we selected for your DRBL client is "mdkkdm"... Setting node as normal_login...done! done !!! Creating DRBL client: DRBL-1-003 The display manager we selected for your DRBL client is "mdkkdm"... Setting node as normal_login...done! done !!! Creating DRBL client: DRBL-1-004 The display manager we selected for your DRBL client is "mdkkdm"... Setting node as normal_login...done! done !!! Creating DRBL client: DRBL-1-005 The display manager we selected for your DRBL client is "mdkkdm"... Setting node as normal_login...done! done !!! Creating DRBL client: DRBL-1-006 The display manager we selected for your DRBL client is "mdkkdm"... Setting node as normal_login...done! done !!! Creating DRBL client: DRBL-1-007 The display manager we selected for your DRBL client is "mdkkdm"... Setting node as normal_login...done! done !!! Creating DRBL client: DRBL-1-008 The display manager we selected for your DRBL client is "mdkkdm"... Setting node as normal_login...done! done !!! Creating DRBL client: DRBL-1-009 The display manager we selected for your DRBL client is "mdkkdm"... Setting node as normal_login...done! done !!! Creating DRBL client: DRBL-1-010 The display manager we selected for your DRBL client is "mdkkdm"... Setting node as normal_login...done! done !!! Creating DRBL client: DRBL-1-011 The display manager we selected for your DRBL client is "mdkkdm"... Setting node as normal_login...done! done !!! Creating DRBL client: DRBL-1-012 The display manager we selected for your DRBL client is "mdkkdm"... Setting node as normal_login...done! done !!! Creating DRBL client: DRBL-1-013 The display manager we selected for your DRBL client is "mdkkdm"... Setting node as normal_login...done! done !!! Creating DRBL client: DRBL-1-014 The display manager we selected for your DRBL client is "mdkkdm"... Setting node as normal_login...done! done !!! Creating DRBL client: DRBL-1-015 The display manager we selected for your DRBL client is "mdkkdm"... Setting node as normal_login...done! done !!! Creating DRBL client: DRBL-1-016 The display manager we selected for your DRBL client is "mdkkdm"... Setting node as normal_login...done! done !!! Creating DRBL client: DRBL-1-017 The display manager we selected for your DRBL client is "mdkkdm"... Setting node as normal_login...done! done !!! Creating DRBL client: DRBL-1-018 The display manager we selected for your DRBL client is "mdkkdm"... Setting node as normal_login...done! done !!! Creating DRBL client: DRBL-1-019 The display manager we selected for your DRBL client is "mdkkdm"... Setting node as normal_login...done! done !!! Creating DRBL client: DRBL-1-020 The display manager we selected for your DRBL client is "mdkkdm"... Setting node as normal_login...done! done !!! Creating DRBL client: DRBL-1-021 The display manager we selected for your DRBL client is "mdkkdm"... Setting node as normal_login...done! done !!! Creating DRBL client: DRBL-1-022 The display manager we selected for your DRBL client is "mdkkdm"... Setting node as normal_login...done! done !!! Creating DRBL client: DRBL-1-023 The display manager we selected for your DRBL client is "mdkkdm"... Setting node as normal_login...done! done !!! Now set the services dhcp, xinetd, portmap, nis, nfs, iptables to be on when the machine start up. Now start the NAT service... Warning! /etc/sysconfig/iptables is renamed as iptables.drblsave! Your firewall rules is overwritten!!! We set the NAT for clients with IP address 192.168.x.x to access this DRBL server! Resetting built-in chains to the default ACCEPT policy: [ OK ] 正在儲存現錢關則於 /etc/sysconfig/iptables: [ OK ] ip_forward is already on. Update YP... Now start the service: dhcpd xinetd portmap iptables ypserv ypbind yppasswdd ypxfrd nfs nfslock 正在開始 dhcpd: [ OK ] 正在開始 xinetd: [ OK ] 正在關閉 portmap 服務: [ OK ] Starting portmapper: [ OK ] Applying iptables firewall rules: [ OK ] Stopping YP server services: [ OK ] Starting YP server services: [ OK ] 正在關閉NIS服務: [ OK ] Binding to the NIS domain... [ OK ] Listening for an NIS domain server: localhost 正在停止 YP passwd 服務: [ OK ] Starting YP passwd service: [ OK ] Stopping YP map server: [ OK ] Starting YP map server: [ OK ] Stopping NFS mountd: [ OK ] 正在停止 NFS 常駐程式: [ OK ] Stopping NFS services: [ OK ] Starting NFS services: [ OK ] Starting NFS daemon: [ OK ] Starting NFS mountd: [ OK ] 正在停止 NFS lockd: Stopping NFS statd: [ OK ] 正在開始NFS lockd: [ OK ] 正在開始 NFS statd: [ OK ] ip_forward is already on. Calibrating time now... --------------NCHC OPENSOURCE TASKFORCE--------------- http://opensource.nchc.org.tw Thank you for choosing DRBL Solution. If you have any question, please feel free to email to ostf@opensource.nchc.org.tw, c00hkl00@nchc.org.tw or steven@nchc.org.tw. -------------------Thank You-------------------------- ****************************************************** Now syncing - flush filesystem buffers... ****************************************************** If you like, you can reboot the DRBL server now to make sure everything is ready...(This is not necessary, just an option.) [root@DRBL free]#